As COVID-19 continues to remain one of the hottest topics of discussion, a
host of myths and untruths has surrounded the topic. To date, COVID-19 has
been responsible for over 2 million infections globally, causing nearly 125,000
deaths. In the US alone 650,000 have been infected with the virus and nearly
28,000 people have died.
Coronavirus 2020 Think about it, whenever the word ‘pandemic’ starts headlining news, people
become fearful, and with that comes rumors and misinformation. And don’t
worry! If you are in a predicament, you can schedule an appointment at a
medical clinic in Santa Ana and get a consultation. In this special feature, I will
dissect some common myths that are currently circulating.
Children Cannot Catch COVID-19
It is one of the most common myths regarding coronavirus. However, the reality is that all age groups can be infected. Yes, most cases have been adults but that doesn’t mean children are immune to COVID-19. As per the little evidence that we have, children are as likely to catch the virus as adults, but their symptoms tend to be less severe.
Data released from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that by February 20th, children under the age of 19 comprised only 2% of the 72,314 cases. So, it could be that the virus preferentially affects adults more but that doesn’t mean children are immune to the condition. So, irrespective of age, you must take the necessary precautions and take care of your health.
Coronavirus is Just Like The Flu
COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 indeed has flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, and aches. Both are also similar in terms of being mild, severe, or fatal in rare cases. And not just that, coronavirus and flu both lead to pneumonia. However, saying coronavirus is just like the flu is incorrect.
The overall profile
of COVID-19 is far more serious than flu. With the available data, the mortality rate of the coronavirus is deduced to be around 1-3%. Although scientists are still figuring it out, the mortality rate is likely to be much higher than that of seasonal flu.
Applying Alcohol on Skin Kills The COVID-19 Virus
There is a rumor circulating that spraying alcohol or chlorine on your skin kills
viruses in the body but that is not true. Instead, applying chlorine or alcohol
on your skin may cause harm to your body especially if it enters the mouth or
eyes. Yes, these chemicals can be used to disinfect surfaces but they should
not be used on the body. These chemicals don’t have the ability to kill viruses
inside the body.
Your hands are one of the main routes for viruses to enter your body. That is
why you need to keep them clean. Wash them regularly with soap and if not
possible use alcohol-based sanitizers. Hand sanitizers with 60% or more
alcohol are most effective in killing microbes. So, use that rather than directly
applying alcohol on the skin.
Dogs And Cats Spread COVID-19
As the Coronavirus continues to spread across the globe, there has been fear
among people if their dogs or cats are too involved in spreading it. As per
current evidence, the coronavirus doesn’t spread cats and dogs and there
hasn’t been a case where a cat or dog has transmitted the virus to a human.
However, two dogs in Hong Kong, and two cats, one in Hong Kong and one in
Belgium reportedly tested positive for the coronavirus. But there is still no
conclusive evidence that they are involved in the transmission of the virus among
That is why COVID-19 should not be of particular concern for pet owners. If
you must, take necessary precautions and preventive measures like washing
your hands, and socially distancing yourself from other people who are more
likely to spread the virus than your pets.
Chinese Products Carry The Coronavirus
COVID-19 originated in Wuhan, China, and spread through Europe and the
rest of the world. Almost half the world is under lockdown to prevent it from
spreading. You must follow all the necessary precautions. Many people
wonder if it is safe to buy Chinese products. The simple answer is yes. Buying
a Chinese product won’t infect you with the virus as there is no way the virus
could be active long enough on the surface of the product shipped from the
manufacturing epicenters of China.
In a statement, Michael Merson, dean’s special advisor at the New York
University School of Global Public Health said, “There’s no evidence that
there’s been spread from infected mail or packages.” Noting that the virus
spreads through droplets, he said, “If I put anything on a surface, that doesn’t
tell us about the real world. We just don’t have any evidence that this has ever
been a problem.”
COVID-19 Virus Dies Off in High Temperatures
Current evidence suggests that the coronavirus can be transmitted in all
areas irrespective of their temperature. Rather than having preconceived
notions without any scientific backing, you must adopt protective measures if
you are traveling to or live in a COVID-19 affected region. Follow all the
preventive measures like cleaning your hands, avoiding touching your face,
and practicing social distancing.
The World Health Organization reports that the virus is actively transmitting
to areas with hot and humid climates. In an interview, Dr. Orient said,
“Whether the temperature conditions have very much to do with it, it is not
clear. Warmer climates like in Singapore and in Australia are getting affected
also.” So, you must follow all the required precautions and preventive
measures as suggested by your local health authority.
Coronavirus Was Created in a Chinese Laboratory
As the novel coronavirus continues to spread, with cases surpassing 2.5 million in the US alone, misinformation is spreading almost as fast. One of the most persistent myths that is widely discussed is that the COVID-19 virus was manufactured by scientists in a lab in Wuhan and that it somehow escaped the lab causing an outbreak. Although, these are simple theories and may not be the truth.
A recent analysis in the journal Nature Medicine suggested that the virus was
not created in a lab. In this study, researchers compared the novel
coronavirus genome with the seven other coronaviruses known to infect
humans. Their analysis clearly showed that the SARS-CoV-2 is not a
purposefully manipulated virus or a laboratory construct.
Once Infected, You Will Have Coronavirus For Life
Many people believe that catching the coronavirus means that you will have it for life. But that is not true. You can recover from the disease and eliminate it from your bodies. If you happen to get infected, make sure you treat your symptoms. If you are suffering from fever, cough, or experience difficulty in breathing, seek medical attention immediately. Most patients recover from this thanks to medical health professionals who are working day and night treating everyone seeking help.
A recent report by China CDC weekly studied the epidemiological
characteristics of the coronavirus pandemic. From a total of 72,314 patients
recorded it concluded that 80.9% of cases showed mild symptoms. This just
goes on to prove that yes the virus may be dangerous but you can recover
from it.
A Hot Bath Prevents Coronavirus Infection
Due to the confusion and panic surrounding the new SARS-CoV-2 virus, there
is a cloud of misinformation hovering. That is why it is important that
everyone knows the latest developments in the situation. You must check
information from a trusted source like the WHO website rather than relying
on social media for coronavirus updates. Coronavirus 2020 One common myth is that taking a
hot bath prevents catching coronavirus infection. But that is not true. Taking
a bath will not prevent you from catching the coronavirus. Your normal body
temperature remains around 37 degrees Celsius, regardless of the
temperature of your shower or bath. In fact, taking a bath with extremely hot
water can be dangerous as it can cause burns.
COVID-19 is Transmitted Through Mosquito
Today, social media is the provider of all information. Where it is very useful in
several circumstances, it is abode to fake news and rumors that plague the
social media platforms often resulting in misinformation being spread across
the masses. Coronavirus 2020 why it is important that people learn about the virus from
trusted sources. From the evidence so far, COVID-19 cannot be transmitted
through mosquitoes. It is a respiratory virus that primarily spreads through
droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs. Avoid being in close
contact with the infected individual and you will be fine.