With TeleMedicine you can make a call at 2am when you first wake up with that fever. Tell the operator you need to speak with a doctor. The operator will request that a doctor call you and on average 15 minutes later you’ll get a call from the doctor and can explain your symptoms. The doctor will determine if a prescription is necessary and have it sent to the pharmacy you have on file. There is no cost for the call, no waiting at a doctor’s office and no sharing germs with other sick individuals at the doctor’s office.
Benefits of Telemedicine
As Medicare plan insurers try to compete in a very competitive market many are starting to include these systems as part of their extra benefits. Often this is at no extra charge to the insured. Anthem insurance currently allows new Medicare beneficiaries that join their Advantage plans a choice of several extra benefits. One of those extra benefits is a medical alert system with monitoring cost covered by Anthem, as long as you are enrolled in one of their qualified plans. Some of the top manufacturers of medical alert devices right now include:
- Philips Lifeline
- Mobile Help ADT
- Greatcall Alert-1
- Tunstall Life Alert
- Connect America
- Rescue Alert Bay
- Medical Guardian
- Lifefone Galaxy
- Medical Alert
- Systems Better