I keep getting phone calls about insurance plans due to healthcare reform. Is this legit? This is a hard one. Of course it could be straight up rogue marketing, but If it’s someone trying to be honest with some changes, there have been a couple, although Republicans have not technically tied the change to “healthcare reform” 2 executive orders under the Trump administration could be seen as such. One is almost a couple years old now and that’s the executive order to not enforce the individual mandate. So now regardless of the plan you have, you can avoid the penalty for not having ACA compliant health coverage. The 2nd is a little newer and allows short term policies to start selling 1 year terms again. At the same time though Indiana had a law that restricted term plans to 6 months. This law was changed in July of 2019 to allow 1 year terms now. So for some people who wouldn’t have considered a term plan in the past (for the fear of not being approved at the end of the term, mid year), this may no longer be an issue. If you’re declined coverage at the end of your short term policy, we can switch you to a guaranteed acceptance ACA policy, so long as the term is set to end at the end of the year, during ACA Marketplace open enrollment.